Search Engine Optimization and Marketing 90 Percent of the Battle is Just Showing Up. That's Not an Adage, It's a Google Statistic.

It can seem daunting, and plenty of SEO companies out there try to make Internet search success sound scary and technical.

But really it's just a matter of being organized, registering your site in third-party platforms, making sure all your website's pages, posts, and other formats are firing correctly, and supplying demand for content. This is where we come in. We'll help you make sure your pages are appropriately tagged and ready for market, and we'll help you define and build the content to feed the beast.

Basic SEO clean-up includes:

ON-PAGE (NON–VISIBLE) CONTENT OPTIMIZATION  – "White Hat" (ethical) optimization improving HTML elements crawled by search engines, including META tags, Page TITLE, Alt Tags, etc. Up to 15 web pages.

LOCAL SEO SET-UP – Creation and/or optimization of a Google My Business listing. A must if you're trying to get seen against your local competitors.

GOOGLE ANALYTICS ACCOUNT CREATION – Don't have one of these? How do you know what people like on your site? We review your website traffic statistics to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the website and to provide feedback concerning the performance of the SEO campaign.

WEBMASTER TOOLS ACCOUNT CREATION – Create and install a Webmaster Tools account connected to Google and Bing so that you can give the search engines clues to what is important to you. In return, the account tells you when you're having SEO problems with the website so that we can make necessary fixes.

Local SEO packages include everything above plus:

INITIAL ON–SITE (VISIBLE) CONTENT OPTIMIZATION  – Cleaning up the visible, readable content on your website, with consideration of your target keywords. Up to 15 web pages.

KEYWORD RESEARCH – Identify the most relevant and popular keyword phrases most likely to generate sales.

SEO INFRASTRUCTURE EVALUATION – Taking a look at the quality and volume of inbound links, on-page link crawling, content crawling, content impact on search, robots.txt, duplicate content issues and other factors that could impact the performance of the SEO campaign. Sounds techy. It is, but lots of good repairs start here.

BAD LINK CLEANUP – Critical! If bad inbound links are found, we send them to the "Google Disavow Links" resource to diminish their negative impact toward search rankings.

WEBSITE ARCHIVE – Backup! Let's make sure we don't throw out the old, just in case you need a reminder of the before and after.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY SUBMISSIONS – Get found! Link-building and profile submissions through business directory listings and portals like and Merchant Circle.

ONLINE YELLOWPAGE SUBMISSIONS – More being seen! Link building and profile submissions through Online Yellow Pages websites like

GPS & MOBILE MAP SUBMISSIONS – Literally, get found! Make sure people can find your store on a map, where they can look up the details about you and get directions as needed through GPS Systems (car GPS) like TomTom, Chevy, Toyota and other major automotive manufacturers, phone, and desktop map services.

VOICE RECOGNITION & SEARCH SUBMISSIONS – For the verbal searchers! Link-building and profile submissions through voice search technology like Apple’s Siri, Windows Phones and Android Devices.

XML SITEMAPS – Giving search engines the clues to read your pages more easily. Construction of XML sitemaps to invite thorough search engine BOT crawling and to identify website crawling issues.  Sitemaps are then posted to, and crawled by all major search engines.

SEARCH ENGINE SUBMISSIONS – Because it's not all Google all the time. We submit your website to over 25 US–based search engines, including all major engines and numerous Tier 2 search engines.

ADAPTATION TO SEARCH ENGINE RANKING UPDATES – Google implements over 500 ranking adjustments per year with some bigger than others. We make adjustments to your campaign as needed to accommodate these changes.

ONGOING SEO SERVICES – Monthly prioritization of tasks needed to keep your site competitive, includes all of the above and content development for new pages, products, and keywords.

MONTHLY RANKING REPORTS & UPDATES – Keyword ranking report showing current rankings for relevant keywords on Google, Bing and Yahoo. SEO campaign updates discussing progress and campaign details.

INTERNET MARKETING CONSULTING – Comes with the territory. We never do anything without explaining the benefit or purpose. Let's talk about your goals.

Got a heavy website with lots of pages or need to go bigger? Corporate SEO services include competitor research, link-building, and content creation among other services.

Want to try some "paid search"? We can discuss that too. All part of an appropriate strategy for your business.

Drop us a line and we'll be happy to take a look under the hood to improve your site's performance and make sure that you're seen.  

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