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Justin J. Dintino Memorial


Contact: XX, (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Former Gov. James Florio, State Police Superintendent Col. Patrick J. Callahan to Speak at Funeral of Organized Crime Fighter and Civil Rights Defender, Retired State Police Superintendent Col. Justin J. Dintino

Blackwood, NJ (January 29, 2020) – Current and former state law enforcement officials will pay tribute on Saturday to Col. Justin J. Dintino, who died last week at age 91. Dintino is credited with combating New Jersey's notorious organized crime syndicate as well as cleaning up systematic racial profiling in New Jersey State Police ranks.

State Police Superintendent Col. Patrick J. Callahan, former Gov. James Florio, former Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission Frederick T. Martens and former New Jersey Criminal Justice Director Edwin Stier will speak at Dintino's funeral, where he will be honored by a cavalcade of 50 police officers and four mounted horses.

Dintino served XX years as a trooper, state police superintendent, and commissioner with the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation. He received numerous accolades in his career for his contributions to the field of police intelligence and co-authored the 1983 Police Intelligence in Crime Control.

In 1983, Dintino was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to serve on the Commission on Organized Crime. He criticized the commission from within for its "poor management of time, money and staff," which he claimed hampered the effectiveness of federal and state efforts to combat organized crime.

Upon his appointment by Gov. Florio in 1989 to lead the State Police, Dintino vowed that “he would rather not have another ounce of drugs seized than see another trooper go to jail for an illegal search or civil rights violation." Dintino instituted policies and procedures that identified troopers who were consistently being challenged on their arrests and demanded fidelity to suspects' rights and accountability for police misconduct.

In a state riddled with political corruption and organized crime, Dintino was considered a model trooper who defied conventional political protocols. He had a "record of resistance to corruption," according to Stier.

"Colonel Dintino’s hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence was the driving force behind the takedown of several organized crime syndicates. His informant development skills were renowned," said Col. Callahan in October 2019 when he presided over the dedication of the Col. Justin J. Dintino Repository on Organized Crime and Literature at State Police Headquarters in West Trenton.

"Dintino was the crème-de la-crème of law enforcement executives, His contributions to the state of New Jersey and the intelligence community were legendary, courageous, and prescient. He was one of a kind!" said Martens.

The funeral will be held at the Egizi Funeral Home, 119 Ganttown Rd., in  Washington Township. Members of the press who wish to attend are asked to contact XX at (XXX) XXX-XXXX for credentials and logistical support. Additional details about the life of Col. Dintino can be found here.

Baltimore County Commission for Women's Voices of Women Initiative


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Contact BCCW President Ruth Howard, (443) 804-4174

Baltimore, MD (February 19, 2020) – As the nation prepares to celebrate 100 years since women earned the right to vote, the Baltimore County Commission for Women is recognizing the many challenges that women still face by hosting a series of forums for women to voice their priorities for county policy in the coming years.

The Voices of Baltimore County Women's Initiative is being held in each district of the county. The next event will be held on Feb. 27, at Squire's Restaurant in Dundalk from 6:30pm-8:00pm. This will be followed by events in other Districts. The events are free but women are asked to register. The schedule and registration links are listed below.

Female residents in the county may attend any of the events regardless of which district they reside.

"These events are opportunities for women to share concerns specific to them and to offer their input for proposed solutions," said Commission President Ruth Howard. "The county is 52.6 percent female. We want as many women as possible to help shape our future. This is a very direct opportunity to form an agenda around matters that are important to women. Every woman who attends will be able to raise her voice and share her ideas."

From the results of the tour, the commission will write a final report with a list of recommendations and action items for the county executive and county council to consider.

The 21-member Commission for Women was established by an act of the Baltimore County Council in 1977 to investigate conditions that define the unmet needs of women, and make recommendations to county officials about removing inequities in housing, recreation, employment, education, community services, and other areas where women face discrimination and violence.

Of the 21 members, 14 commissioners are appointed by the county executive, and one is appointed by each member of the county council. Commissioners are residents of Baltimore County. They serve three-year terms.

In recent accomplishments, the commission conducted a human trafficking study that resulted in the development of a county Human Trafficking Task Force working group. The commission currently supports nine proposed bills circulating in the state Legislature on issues ranging from domestic violence to background checks for gun sales to paid family and medical leave, among others.

Additionally, the commission hosts the annual Woman of the Year award, honoring Baltimore County women who have made significant contributions to the community. The awards ceremony will be held March 25.

Members of the press who wish to attend the Voice of Women Initiative forums are requested to contact Ruth Howard at (443) 804-4174 for logistical details and additional information.

Upcoming Dates for the Voices of Women Initiative:
District 7: Feb. 27, 2020, Squire's Restaurant, 6723 Holabird Ave, Baltimore, MD 21222, 6:30pm-8:00pm 
Registration link: https://www.tinyurl.com/bccwvow7

District 5: April 23, 2020, Perry Hall Library, 9685 Honeygo Blvd, Perry Hall, MD 21228, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/BCCWVoices5

District 1: June 10, 2020, Arbutus Library, 855 Sulphur Spring Rd, Arbutus, MD 21227, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/BCCWVoices1

District 2: May 19, 2020, Pikesville Library, 1301 Reisterstown Rd, Pikesville, MD 21208, 6:30pm-8:00pm 
Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/BCCWVoices2

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Congratulations! You’ve taken a big step towards gaining control in the madness known as Youth Sports!  If you are a young athlete or the parent of a young athlete, you know what I’m talking about. It seems like the grind never ends. One season flows into the next season and into the next. While in season, you find yourself traveling all over town and eventually all over the country, and all the while, no one has ever asked … "Why are we doing all of this?"

Coaches will tell you it's about "development," and although some are sincere when they say this, doesn’t it start to feel that most are more concerned about wins and losses than anything else? Well, who can really blame them? That IS how coaches are measured.  But as a family, you have only ONE CHANCE to get this sports path right… So let’s MAXIMIZE this opportunity.

The IMPACKD program is the first program that gives parents and their athletes great control, peace of mind, and a whole lot of guidance through the journey.  We start with the end goal in mind ... you are doing all of this for LEVERAGE — to help your young athlete have unique advantages when it comes time to apply to college.  The world seems to be making more really good students, but they aren’t building any great new universities. And when it comes to college admissions, colleges and universities are going to ask “What special skills do you bring to our campus?"

And although young athletes will have spent years dedicated to the sport they love, if they haven’t followed a concise plan along the way, they may not be able to leverage the tremendous gifts they already possess.

My name is Dr. Bill Booker. I’ve been working with young elite athletes for over two decades, but like you, I’m a parent first and I’ve been through this journey. In fact, as I discuss this journey with you, I can tell you that my oldest child committed to play soccer at a top university and my son is heading into his high school years with similar goals in mind.

And it's not just my own children I've helped. Dozens of athletes many you may have heard of or admire have worked with me to ensure they had every opportunity to get to the college of their dreams through their talents and skills and by following a disciplined approach that we’ve laid out together.

Let me help you MAXIMIZE your child's outcomes with the IMPACKD Program.

Our Injury Prevention Screen is only one part of what the IMPACKD Program can do for your athlete. For the first time, right here, we have created and compiled a "how-to-succeed" guide for young athletes. We've developed a 52-week plan that covers everything from dietary concerns, training concepts, key tips to maximize performance, behavioral guidelines to increase your overall well-being and much more!  We teach these concepts and work all the way up to showing you techniques on how to be a leader among your team and the secrets to getting the most out of the college recruitment process. Allow me to help you take the guesswork out of this process. We’ve developed the plan to MAXIMIZE your child's outcomes.

There is nothing else out there all in one place to guide you through elite sports. Don't miss this opportunity to get ahead with all the tools you need to all in place. Join the IMPACK'D program  and feel more confident you are on the right track. I invite you to get ahead today.

If you have chosen not to take the IMPACKD injury prevention screen, I have to ask, “Why not? How empowering would it be for you as the parent of a young athlete to know that you have the ability to predict and prevent many of the sports-related injuries that can sideline your young athlete? And how upsetting would a hamstring pull, a lower back strain, or worse still, a knee injury, be to the progress of your young athlete?

I've been treating young athletes for two decades and I’m here to tell you, most injuries are not only PREVENTABLE, they are PREDICTABLE. So allow me to help you get in front of this. And here’s the best part, our Injury Prevention Screen is only one part of what the IMPACKD program can do for young athletes. For the first time anywhere by anyone, and right here, all in one place, we present a “how-to-succeed” guide for young athletes. 

So invest the time to take the tests and begin the process of maximizing your child’s potential. Learn what these tests mean in terms of the physical risks your athlete's body faces, and consider that not only does IMPACK’D give you the insight you need, it provides a 52-week plan to improve your strength, mobility, and explosiveness, but to show exactly what you need to do each week of the year to stay one cut above the coaches’ demands and recruiters’ expectations.

I strongly encourage you to take a close look at this program. Start with the tests and then discover the step-by-step process to maximize your outcomes with the IMPACKD program.

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How to Judge If Your State Taxes Are Too High

Residents in states with higher tax rates are going to be hit by the federal tax reform. What will states do about it?

States with higher tax rates are going to be hit hard by federal tax reform. What will they do about it?

State legislators in higher-tax states like California, New York, New Jersey, and Maryland — concerned that the new federal tax law that puts a $10,000 limit on deducting state, local, and property taxes could hurt state taxpayers — have started debating how to change their own laws to accommodate taxpayers disproportionately impacted by the rules.

Taxpayers will begin to feel just how high their states' tax rates are unless those states change their tax codes.

A cap on state tax deductions will disproportionately affect homeowners in states with high property taxes and higher income earners (putting a another spin on the argument over whether federal tax cuts help upper incomes).

Since the bill passed and was signed into law, lawmakers in these states are now trying to figure out what they can do to address a very new reality — that their high taxes were being offset with a federal break.

So far, however, my state's governor is the only one who has announced his intention to do something about it.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced on Wednesday that he would introduce legislation in January's state assembly to change Maryland's tax code to allow taxpayers to keep the money that otherwise would have been taken by the state under the new tax plan.

While not specific about how his legislation would work, according to the [Baltimore Sun](http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/politics/bs-md-hogan-taxes-20171220-story.html) , the state could potentially bring in $750 million more in revenue as a result of the federal cap on deductions for state and local income tax.

Here's how it works right now: Maryland's tax return calculation starts with the federal adjusted gross income. It then adds in other taxable income before taking the federal deductions and subtracting state and local income payments from it to reach its deductible allowance (not counting other exemptions and subtractions).

So if a worker was able to deduct $15,000, for instance, last year on his state and local taxes on a federal return (mine was less than that), this year, he can only add up to $10,000 total to his deductions. That means when you go to the line on the state form where you subtract the state and local income taxes, the real number, if over $10,000, is no longer a match to the federal form.

So what does the state do? It has to either make it possible for those two numbers to be different (not currently allowed by law), or it ends up taxing people on tax they already paid over the $10,000 limit.

Details of the plan are still to be released, and the state comptroller's office is still working on evaluating how exactly the new tax plan will work, but Hogan said he hopes that the state legislature will join him unanimously in ensuring that taxpayers are not burdened because of the new tax plan.

"Our goal will be to leave that money in the pockets of hard-working Marylanders," he said at a Board of Public Works meeting. "I am confident that our partners in the General Assembly who have expressed concern over the impact of this tax reform bill will support us unanimously in protecting Marylanders who could be negatively affected. Protecting taxpayers should be a bipartisan issue."

Just one hitch: Hogan is a Republican governor in a very Democratic state, which means it's almost impossible for him to get the legislature to go along with any suggestion he has, regardless of merit. Whatever happens to help state taxpayers, it will have to be a solution for which everyone in Annapolis can take credit.

*Will you be impacted on your state taxes by the $10,000 cut-off and who benefits by the states changing the law?*

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