Got a list of email addresses and don't know what to do with it?
Congratulations! You've had the good fortune of someone sharing a shred of personal information and agreeing to be notified by you. You've accomplished the first step of email marketing.
It's always gratifying to get a response to an informational request. But composing regularly scheduled messages — or even occasional offers — to your audience may not be your strength or within your bandwidth. After all, you have a business to run.
That's where we come in. You have products to sell, ideas to communicate, thoughts to share. We organize email marketing campaigns for you. We design the template, create the timeline, and build the content. We schedule and monitor who is opening your email, and get your audience interested in buying your products and services. Then we go and find more people to get on board.
The data don't lie. Study after study shows that email marketing is king when it comes to communicating with consumers. And why wouldn't it be? It's a self-selecting process.
So get on with it. Deliver the message, make the announcement, refine the offer. Tell people about yourself.
Or heck, don't worry about it. We'll do it for you.